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Our Team

Torque Tri Camps are proud to feature a team of exceptional coaches who bring a wealth of expertise and diverse backgrounds to elevate your performance. With three coaches hailing from military or ex-military backgrounds, their discipline and commitment will inspire and push you beyond your limits. Additionally, our two dedicated Strength and Conditioning coaches, who own and operate Torque Training in Bristol, possess an unrivalled understanding of optimising athletic potential.


Together, this dynamic coaching team will guide and empower you to conquer new milestones, unlocking your true triathlon prowess.

Adam Hughes

Head Coach

Hey, I'm Adam.


I have been a Triathlon Coach for nearly 10 years. I first got into coaching as it seemed a great way to immerse myself with like-minded people who wanted to push themselves physically and mentally. Since then, I have gone on to develop athletes from beginner to elite, abled and disabled people to achieve their own goals. 


Over the past 2 years I have gone on to be the Head Coach for the Royal Navy Triathlon team with well over 350 members. I have led many successful training camps within the United Kingdom and abroad.  These camps have been developed for the specific points in which they sit in a Triathlon season, whether these are to build technique, endurance or to just be the kick up the backside some people need.


These camps include all aspects for a successful triathlete. Not only the 3 main disciplines, but also discuss the importance of nutrition, strength & conditioning, flexibility, proper rest and the most important… Fun!

David Roberts


Hmm, where to start….


I have served in the Armed Forces for the better part of 25 years.


My triathlon journey, however, started around 2016 when a colleague, who shall remain nameless, talked me into doing a sprint triathlon. 'Muggings' here, listened to him and before I knew it i'm doing my first sprint triathlon with the Royal Navy and I absolutely loved it. It's safe to say I’ve never looked back and my colleague has now moved onto CrossFit… fool!


I became a triathlon coach in 2019 as I really wanted to help athletes new to the sport and help guide them through the mayhem that is triathlon. I predominantly work with age group and grass roots athletes . There is no better feeling than seeing an athlete complete their first race or set a PB.


Like Adam and Darren, I’ve been one of the lead coaches with Royal Navy Triathlon for the last 4 years and lead multiple training camps in the UK and abroad. Training camps are what I enjoy  the most as it gives far greater opportunity for athlete/coach interaction and subsequently far easier for us to do a great job for the athlete!

Darren Lunn


Hey all I am Darren.


By day I am a Nuclear Engineer in His Majesty’s Royal Navy having served for coming up to 22 years in various theatres with many different characters. It was one of these characters that introduced me to the world of triathlon some 15 years ago and I have never looked back.


The sport has become a passion and one I wanted to share, hence my transition to coaching. I also have an unhealthy obsession for all things cycling, which I firmly blame on my dad, taking me to the milk race as a kid to watch Malcom Elliott.


Since achieving my British Triathlon level 2 coaching qualification, I have worked my way to become one of the leading coaches within Royal Navy Triathlon. Over the last two years I have coached and led camps both domestically and abroad, from grassroots (novice) to the elite. 


My palmarés includes riding the 2020 Tour de France route, Everesting on Mont Ventoux and thus joining the Club des Cinglés, Ironman 70.3 world champs 2022 plus too many other triathlons to count, from sprint to full Ironman…as I said it’s a passion!

Anthony Fenton-Wells

Head S&C Coach

Hey guys, I'm Ant. 


I've been involved in the fitness industry for almost 20 years.


My passion lies in a persons ability to change. Offering people the accountability, consistency, commitment, dedication, and support to reach their goals.


The passion that drives me in the gym space has more recently driven me in the endurance space. More specifically supporting athletes strength development for the particular demands of running, cycling and swimming.


I am soon to complete my British Triathlon Level 2 coaching award that will better allow me to  find that sweet spot in helping athletes get faster times, be more robust and importantly be more efficient in their recovery.


Personally I have completed Full and Middle Distance Triathlons and I have certainly found myself bitten by the bug for them! I can't wait to further immerse myself in the triathlon community and I believe that these camps will be a perfect way to do so!

Tom Luke

S&C Coach

Hey team!


My name is Tom and I am something of an outlier in this group of coaches in that I've never completed a triathlon! 


My expertise comes in the human performance sector! 


Having played professional rugby for 13 years and having coached strength training to a broad spectrum of athletes for the last 10 years, I'm well placed to guide, advise and help nurture all of your pre existing athletic potential. 


I've also recently enjoyed the transition from power based contact sports to ultra endurance events.. Completing 100km Trail Races and 24hr Endurance challenges earlier this year.  


During the camp we will focus on advising you around 'robustness' and try and offer you best direction to make the most out of your off season with a great Strength programme to complement the other three disciplines of Triathlon!




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